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Version: v3.0

Table and Cells

ModelIndexTable uses ModelCell to determine the default renderer of the attribute. ModelCell will use the attribute information to determine the specific ModelCell component to use and that model cell component will use a basic cell component for rendering. For example, if the attribute is a string type, ModelCell will use ModelCellString to render the cell or if the attribute is an enum, ModelCell will use ModelCellEnum to render the cell. ModelCellEnum will use CellBadge.


Not all model cell components have a directly corresponding cell component. For example, ModelCellArray does not have a corresponding CellArray component. In those cases passing a path only to a cell is unlikely to provide the desired result as there is likely more complex data access required to render the cell.

The complete list of cell components is below.

Besides the general configuration options for the cell components, each cell component has its own configuration options.


Attachment cells are rendered as a link to the attachment using the display_name (usually the file name) or passed children for display.

const rhinoConfig = {
version: 1,
components: {
ModelCellAttachment: (props) => (<ModelCellAttachmentBase {...props}>Report</ModelCellAttachmentBase>)


Attachment download cells are rendered as a link to the attachment with a download disposition using the display_name (usually the file name) or passed children for display.

const rhinoConfig = {
version: 1,
components: {
ModelCellAttachmentDownload: (props) => (<ModelCellAttachmentDownloadBase {...props}>Report</ModelCellAttachmentDownloadBase>)


Attachment link cells are rendered as a thumbnail image (usually the file name) or passed children for display. The alt attribute of the image is by default the url of the attachment.

Change alt text

const rhinoConfig = {
version: 1,
components: {
ModelCellAttachmentImage: { props: { alt: "Blog banner" } }


Boolean cells are rendered as strings with the text "Yes" or "No" depending on the value of the attribute. The text can be changed by passing the trueText and falseText props to the ModelCellBoolean or CellBoolean components.

Change text for true and false

const rhinoConfig = {
version: 1,
components: {
ModelCellBoolean: { props: { trueText: "Thumbs up", falseText: "Thumbs down" } }


Boolean icon cells are rendered as bootstrap icons with "check" or "x" svg icons depending on the value of the attribute. The icon can be changed by passing the trueIcon and falseIcon props to the ModelCellBooleanIcon or CellBooleanIcon components.

Change icon text for any bootstrap icon

const rhinoConfig = {
version: 1,
components: {
ModelCellBooleanIcon: { props: { trueIcon: "check-circle", falseIcon: "x-circle" } }


Date cells are rendered as strings with a format of MMMM d, yyyy (date-fns) by default.

Change date format to Feb 26/23

const rhinoConfig = {
version: 1,
components: {
ModelCellDate: { props: { format: 'MMM d/yy' } }


Date time cells are rendered as strings with a format of MMMM d, yyyy h:mm aa (date-fns) by default.

Change date time to 24 hr format

const rhinoConfig = {
version: 1,
components: {
ModelCellDate: { props: { format: 'MMMM d, yyyy HH:mm' } }


Date time distance cells are rendered as the distance between the given dates in words format of formatDistance() (date-fns). Default baseDate is new Date().

Change baseDate for any date to compare with value

import { sub } from "date-fns";
const twoDaysAgo = sub(new Date(), { days: 2 });
const rhinoConfig = {
version: 1,
components: {
ModelCellDateTimeDistance: {
props: { baseDate: twoDaysAgo }


Time cells are rendered as strings with a format of h:mm aa (date-fns) by default.

Change time to 24 hr format

const rhinoConfig = {
version: 1,
components: {
ModelCellDate: { props: { format: 'HH:mm' } }


Email link cells are rendered as a link with a href="mailto: ..." and the value of the attribute as the text.

const rhinoConfig = {
version: 1,
components: {
ModelCellLinkEmail: (props) => (<ModelCellLinkEmailBase {...props}>Click here to send email</ModelCellLinkEmailBase>)


Telephone link cells are rendered as a link with a href="tel: ..." and the value of the attribute as the text.

const rhinoConfig = {
version: 1,
components: {
ModelCellLinkTelephone: (props) => (<ModelCellLinkTelephoneBase {...props}>Click here to call</ModelCellLinkTelephoneBase>)