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Version: v3.0

File Storage

File storage capabilities are available in Rhino with the ActiveStorage. Rhino provides an authenticated endpoint for redirect mode in ActiveStorage as well as direct upload integration on the frontend.

In development ActiveStorage is used to . Set up a cloud provider storage service to use ActiveStorage in production and then use the standard has_one_attached and has_many_attached methods to attach files to your models and add the attachment as a permitted reference in your controller.

class Blog < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :user

has_one_attached :banner

rhino_references [:banner_attachment]

or for multiple attachments:

class BlogPost < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :blog

has_many_attached :images

rhino_owner :blog

rhino_references [:images_attachments]

Variants, Previews, and Representations

ActiveStorage provides a number of ways to manipulate and display images and other files. Variants are used to resize images and previews are used to generate thumbnails. Representations are used to generate different formats of the file.

class BlogPost < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :blog

has_many_attached :images do |attachable|
attachable.variant :thumb, resize_and_pad: [ 100, 100 ], preprocessed: true

rhino_owner :blog
rhino_references [:images_attachments]

The preprocessed: true option is used to generate the variant when the file is uploaded. This is useful for generating thumbnails and other variants when the file is uploaded in the background.

The Rhino API returns the URL for the variant, preview, or representation in the API response. The URL can be used to display the image or preview in the frontend.


To use S3 as your cloud provider, add the aws-sdk-s3 gem to your Gemfile:

bundle add aws-sdk-s3

Then configure your storage service in with the environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SECRET_KEY, AWS_REGION, and AWS_S3_BUCKET which are used by default in config/storage.yml:

service: S3
access_key_id: <%= ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY'] %>
secret_access_key: <%= ENV['AWS_SECRET_KEY'] %>
region: <%= ENV['AWS_REGION'] %>
bucket: <%= ENV['AWS_S3_BUCKET'] %>

And finally, change the active storage service from :local to :amazon in config/environments/production.rb file:

config.active_storage.service = :amazon

You must set up CORS for the bucket you are using to allow uploads from your domain. See this sample for more information.

Google Cloud Storage

To use Google Cloud Storage as your cloud provider, add the google-cloud-storage gem to your Gemfile:

bundle add google-cloud-storage

Then configure your storage service in with the environment variables GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_TYPE, GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID, GOOGLE_PRIVATE_KEY_ID, GOOGLE_PRIVATE_KEY, GOOGLE_CLIENT_EMAIL, GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_BUCKET which are used by default in config/storage.yml:

service: GCS
type: <%= ENV.fetch('GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_TYPE') %>
project_id: <%= ENV.fetch('GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID') %>
private_key_id: <%= ENV.fetch('GOOGLE_PRIVATE_KEY_ID') %>
private_key: |
<%= ENV.fetch('GOOGLE_PRIVATE_KEY') { |l, i| i == 0 ? l : " #{l}" }.join %>
client_email: <%= ENV.fetch('GOOGLE_CLIENT_EMAIL') %>
client_id: <%= ENV.fetch('GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID') %>
project: <%= ENV.fetch('GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID') %>
bucket: <%= ENV.fetch('GOOGLE_BUCKET') %>

And finally, change the active storage service from :local to :google in config/environments/production.rb file:

config.active_storage.service = :google

You must set up CORS for the bucket you are using to allow uploads from your domain. See this sample for more information.