📄️ Analytics
Analtyics are a powerful tool to understand how your application is being used. Rhino provides a simple way to integrate analytics into your application using
📄️ Audit Trail
Audit trail support in Rhino is provided by the papertrail gem.
📄️ Background Jobs
ActiveJob backed by Solid Queue is the basis for background and scheduled jobs in Rhino Jobs.
📄️ File Storage
File storage capabilities are available in Rhino with the ActiveStorage. Rhino provides an authenticated endpoint for redirect mode in ActiveStorage as well as direct upload integration on the frontend.
📄️ Geocoding
Geocoding capabilities can be utilized to Rhino with the already included geocoder gem. Models should be geocoded with the geocodedby method and the aftervalidation callback. The geocode method can be used to trigger the geocoding process.
📄️ Notifications
This guide is an introduction to Rhino Notifications module
📄️ Searching
Rhino provides built in full text search capabilities gem.
📄️ Subscriptions
Rhino Subscriptions provides recurring billing using the stripe platform.
📄️ Super Admin
By default Rhino includes an admin dashboard that allows you to manage your application. This dashboard is built using the ActiveAdmin gem and themed with arcticadmin and installs activeadminaddons gem to add some extra functionality.
📄️ Websockets
Websocket support in Rhino is provided by ActionCable and Solid Cable and is configured by default.