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Version: v2.0


The Rhino REST API is generated from the resource definitions in the application.

A description of the API is available at /api/info/models, for instance: http://localhost:3002/api/info/models

This is the output the description of all resources.

Routing and Controllers

By default Resources will have the standard CRUD based routing (ie resource: :blogs from rails). Routes can be altered with rhino configuration directives.

class Blog < ApplicationRecord
rhino_routing only: [:index]
class Blog < ApplicationRecord
rhino_routing except: [:destroy], path: 'my_custom_blog_endpoint'

Globally owned resources will only have index and show available by default

The default controller for Resources in Rhino::CrudController, but this can be altered

class Blog < ApplicationRecord
rhino_controller :simple

Built In Controllers


Base for others to inherit from that provides basic initialization, error handling, pundit and cors


Provides basic CRUD actions (index, show, create, update, destroy) and enforces policy authorization, scoping and parameratization as well as sieve support


Maps an action to a method on the Resource itself. Enforces policy authorization but nothing else.

API Name Spacing

By default all API routes are available under '/api', but this can be configured with a setting in the initializer

Rhino.setup do |config|
config.namespace = 'my_custom_api'


Parameters are what is accepted or returned from the API as properties for the Resource. Parameters by default reflect the properties of a resource, but can be overwritten by the resource itself or policies.

Reference parameters

Importantly references are returned as an embedded object of a resource, directly in the case of a one relationship and in an array in the case of a many relationship. For instance:

// BlogPost
id: 323,
title: "My post",
blog: {
id: 6,
name: "Super Blog"

However when setting a reference parameter, use the identifier property (ie the foreign key) as the parameter.

// BlogPost
id: 323,
title: "My post",
blog: 7

Nested support

Resources with many references resources can accepted "nested" . With active record based resources this is handled automatically if accepts_nested_attributes_for is configured on the model.

Properties vs Parameters

Properties are part of the data model of the Resource, while parameters are what the REST API will accept and return for a Resource. They can be different.


Querying resources on index API endpoints is implemented with sieves. Sieves are an ordered stack of actions applied based on URL parameters.

There is a default set of sieves, but they can be altered on a per resource basis. For instance this:

class Blog < ApplicationRecord
rhino_sieves.swap Rhino::Sieve::Limit, Rhino::Sieve::Limit, default_limit: nil

would remove the default limit of 10 from the index endpoint for blogs.


Filter based on properties, including properties of referenced resources read more.


Limit the number of resources returned - useful for pagination read more.


Offset from start of the results - useful for pagination read more.


Sorting of the results read more.


Full text contains searching http://localhost:3002/api/blog_posts?title=heart